Africa - prepare to fall in love

By Jenna Jolie

From the vast savannahs peppered with immense herds of wildlife of Kenya to Uganda’s Rwenzori Mountains are home to six of Africa’s 10 tallest peaks, from the signature savannah of the Serengeti to jagged mountains, green-tinged highlands and deep-gash canyons that mark the Great Rift Valley's continental traverse – wherever you find yourself in this big, beautiful continent, Africa has few peers when it comes to natural beauty.

The Rwenzori Mountains - The highest and most scenic mountain range in Uganda and Africa

The Rwenzori Mountains - The highest and most scenic mountain range in Uganda and Africa

The Maasai Marai National Reserve - One of the biggest concentrations of game in Kenya

The Maasai Marai National Reserve - One of the biggest concentrations of game in Kenya

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